Construction Inspection Services
CMS&D provides construction inspection services to its clients to assure contractor compliance with the plans and specifications. These services are customized to the client and project. They may vary from full time inspection for large site developments having several construction crews to spot inspections for municipalities needing verifications of water pressure tests and chlorination or air and mandrel tests for sanitary sewer systems. We also complete material verifications for clients prior to constructions and installation.
Storm Water Management Inspection Services
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality now requires that permits and continuing site inspections be completed on any site which has more than one acre of disturbed soil or any site that lies within 500 feet of an inland lake, stream or drain. Reports are required to be filed and kept for each site on a minimum of a weekly basis and within 24 hours of any rain storm or snow melt that would cause soil erosion to occur. Should sites not comply with this law, the owner of the property may be subject to fines of up to $25,000 per violation per day.
CMS&D has four certified storm water operators that are able to prepare permits and reports to monitor soil erosion and sedimentation issues on the site. These reports are provided to both the contractor and the owner. By completing these services and following through on inspection reports, the owner of the property can avoid the possibility of fines.